What does it mean for communicators to have a seat at the table

Having a seat at the table isn’t the thing, it’s what you do with it

As a communicator, how many times do we hear “we need to have a seat at the table” or “you need to be a business partner not just a communications partner”.

But having a seat at the table on its own means little. While it is undeniably a step forward to see more communicators getting the opportunity to join leadership teams, it is what you do with that seat that counts. And this is where it gets tricky.

The thing is, certainly on the senior leadership teams I’ve been part of, when you look around one thing stands out. That is, the difference between you, the communicator, and the other functional business partners, those leaders representing established functions such as HR, Finance or Legal. These leaders have typically reached this point in their career thanks to a wealth of experiences (and hopefully achievements), they tend to be at a senior grade level and they are often supported by a significantly sized organisation below them – certainly bigger that the communications team.

And then there’s you, the communications lead. Outside of the very biggest organisations, you have a small number of people in your team (if you’re lucky), you’re quite likely to be several grade levels below the rest of the leadership team and will have considerably less experience than everyone else sitting around the mythical table.  And to make it worse, everyone around that table will be competitive and have an eye on being the CEO’s ‘go to’ person so if you want to have influence, to be that business partner, well you’re going to have to work hard to make it happen.

Not surprisingly in these circumstances the communicator might feel a bit daunted – especially when their own boss, (potentially not the CEO) is also sitting around the table. That relationship might also need some thought to make it work.  In such circumstances, the communicator could be forgiven for thinking twice about when to contribute.

This is hardly the communicator’s fault.  Of course, communicators should be held to the same standards as other functions. But the simple truth is communications remains niche. We are often not offered the same opportunities as other functions as we know that for most organisations there won’t be a clear career path for a communicator, you won’t have access to a range of experiences or roles designed to get you to a leadership level and you are unlikely to enjoy the rewards that come from achieving the same levels of promotion as your HR and other colleagues. Again, in the very biggest companies maybe some of this is happening, but in most it is no more than a pipedream.

If you choose a career as an ‘in house’ communicator then, to some extent, you will accept this. There are many great ‘in house’ roles that provide great opportunities but you will need to be open minded that your career may need develop in a different way to colleagues from other functions.

So how do we step up and make this into a leadership role rather than just a communication one? How do we avoid being there simply to listen to what’s happening and how do we start to believe that we can really make a real contribution?

Below are five tips to being an active member of a leadership team.

1.     Know the business:

Make it your business to know your business - the history, the present and the future. How it operates, how it succeeds and how and why it needs to change. Who are the influencers, what are the stories and why should people care?

2.    Invest in your leadership colleagues

Build your relationship with the top team. Get to know them, informally as much as formally. Suggesting a dinner with a key stakeholder can unlock far more long term benefit than a 30 minute Teams meeting. Understand what their priorities are, how you can help them and crucially, how they can help you.

3.    Know the outcomes you are responsible for

A communications leadership role is one the few roles in an organisation that enables a prized 360 degree view of the business. Sometimes your curiosity will help you see new things that need fixing, and you will start to see potential solutions. But make sure that you are clear about your own priorities and your own outcomes and avoid getting pulled in too many different directions. Stay focused on the things that you have promised to deliver and that you will be measured on.

4.    Know what’s happening in the external world

As we know everyone is an expert on how to communicate and there will be plenty of interest in new, ‘sexy’ communication tools. People will come to you to ask about what different tools can do, such as AI. Stay abreast of what’s happening in the wider communications world, attend networking and other events so that you can contextualise the approaches you are suggesting.

5.    Know your voice

Be confident. You’re at the table for a reason. I used to get very frustrated when I didn’t say something and someone else said it, or when I said it to someone after the meeting it was clear I should have said it in the meeting.  The people around the table think you’re there for a reason and want you to be successful. Ultimately, you’re there to influence and lead change. You have a great opportunity. Make sure you take it.

Howard Krais

Before Co-Founding True, Howard spent much of his career in senior in house communications and engagement roles at businesses such as Ernst & Young, GSK and latterly Johnson Matthey. 

 Over the past five and a half years, together with Mike Pounsford and Kevin Ruck, Howard has led work focused on how organisations listen. Following four ground-breaking reports, a book, entitled “Leading the Listening Organisation” was published by Routledge in December 2023. 


An index worth taking note of


Taking a People-Centric approach to change